Telecommunication / ICT Training in GSM, CDMA, 3G and 4G


Practical ICT / Telecommunication Training in GSM, 3G and 4G at India

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

South Korea to Quadruple Mobile Broadband Radio Spectrum:

The South Korean government has outlined plans to quadruple the amount of radio spectrum made available to the mobile network operators by 2023.
The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning said it plans to add a bandwidth of 1,190MHz on top of the current 390MHz that the networks have access to.
As an interim step, the ministry plans to add 20MHz bandwidth in 2.6GHz band and 40MHz bandwidth in 2.5GHz band by 2015.
The country had 26.5 million LTE subscribers at the end of October, and 19.7 million 3G subscribers.
There were just over 8 million 2G users, and the legacy 2G networks will be closed down next April to release capacity for the higher speed services.

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