Telecommunication / ICT Training in GSM, CDMA, 3G and 4G


Practical ICT / Telecommunication Training in GSM, 3G and 4G at India

Friday, January 17, 2014

ETSI Publishes White Paper on Security Issues:

The European standards body, ETSI has released a new white paper on ICT security related standards. This white paper describes the security-related work undertaken in each of ETSI's technology fields, including mobile/wireless communications, network infrastructure, electronic signatures, smart cards and emergency telecommunications.
Over the years, ETSI says that it has developed a unique expertise in standardizing secure communication technologies, building in encryption techniques and fraud prevention mechanisms. The standardization of security features now covers the whole spectrum of ICT.
"Security is not an additional feature that can be patched on after the adoption of a technology, it must be taken into account from the beginning of the standardization process." says Charles Brookson, chairman of ETSI's Operational Coordination Group on Security. "Indeed, in many cases it can be a winning driver that enables the overall success of the technology, and with increasing demands of privacy and integrity of data, security is legally essential for businesses which generate and handle user or customer data."
The paper provides a high-level overview of ETSI's security standardization, including past and current work, as well as a detailed listing of all ETSI specifications related to security.

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